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air defence 防空。

air dent

Algeria , for its part , has always been worryingly secretive about a nuclear research reactor discovered in 1991 and that it surrounds with air defences 例如,阿爾及利亞一直以來都在令人擔憂地對一座研究用核反應堆遮遮掩掩,該反應堆在1991年被發現,四周布滿了空防系統。

Answer : in the education of people air defence of school student , be in charge of branch and organization of branch of director of people air defence to carry out by various education 答:在校學生的人民防空教育,由各級教育主管部門和人民防空主管部門組織實施。

In the education of people air defence of school student , be in charge of branch and organization of branch of director of people air defence to carry out by various education 在校學生的人民防空教育,由各級教育主管部門和人民防空主管部門組織實施。

The air defence system is the simbad twin missile launcher for the mistral surface - to - air missile , supplied by mbda ( formerly matra bae dynamics , france ) 導彈防空力量為二聯裝法制西北風地對空導彈,發射裝置布局在船位。

Compared to india ' s array of sams and fighters , pakistan ' s air defences , while well coordinated , are not very sophisticated 與印度所擁有的眾多地對空導彈和戰斗機相比,巴基斯坦的防空力量盡管組織嚴密,卻遠非無懈可擊。

What say upstairsly is right ! be in charge of branch and organization of branch of director of people air defence to carry out by various education 樓上的說的對!由各級教育主管部門和人民防空主管部門組織實施。

The demand for the system of short - range air defence is increasing by reason of more and more complexity of battleground condition 現在日益復雜多變的戰場環境使得對近程防空系統的需求越來越迫切。

The fact , however , remains that , though seemingly a big military power , she is far from invulnerable in her air defence 然而,現實情況仍舊是,雖然她貌似一個軍事強國,她的空防卻遠不是無懈可擊的

It can be applied to break firm and freezed ground in civil engineering , substruction and civil air defence works and so on 土木工程及地下建筑,人防施工等工作中摧毀堅固凍結的地層。

It had seen at first hand in the 1973 arab - israeli war the damage that modern air defences can cause 它的使用1973年阿拉伯-以色列戰爭中直接造成了現代空中防御能導致的損失。

Ask : by which is sectional organization carried out in the education of people air defence of school student 問:在校學生的人民防空教育由哪個部門組織實施?

Design standard for protection function exchange of civil air defence works between peacetime and wartime 人民防空工程防護功能平戰轉換設計標準

Study of the level judge function of battlefield damage assessment of air defence missile weapon system 防空導彈武器系統戰傷等級評判函數研究

Application of grey theory to decide the economic life of air defence missle system 灰色理論在確定防空導彈武器系統經濟壽命中的應用

A cost model of air defence missile weapon based on the equalation - engineering - value - rate 基于等工程價值比的防空導彈武器費用模型

Analysis of the evolutionary group ' s decision - making mechanism for the large area air defence 大區域防空的進化群決策機制研究

Adf air defence force 美國空軍防空部隊

Model of air defence missile systems optimum seeking based on grey system theory 基于灰色理論的防空導彈武器系統選優模型

Land - based air defence weapons 地面防空武器